Nursing Assistant

Program Details

Nursing Assistant Level 1

博天堂官方提供由俄勒冈州委员会批准的113小时混合培训课程 of Nursing (OSBN). 它包括73个学时的在线学习 现场技能实验室和40小时的现场临床在长期护理机构. The 本课程的临床部分是直接的病人护理,应用所有的技术 skills and lecture material.

课程内容包括:人际技巧与沟通、成长与发展 在整个生命周期中,文化方面,法律和道德方面,医疗和 nursing terminology, general patient care; patient bathing, taking and recording vital 体征,喂养病人,感染控制,照顾病人的个人需要.


护理助理课程是一门无学分限制的特殊录取课程 requires students to apply for acceptance into a class.

有兴趣申请护理助理培训课程的学生必须提交 the following documentation to qualify their application:

  • 必须有GED或高中文凭,除非另有说明.
  • 美国心脏协会BLS医疗保健提供者CPR卡(仅接受卡).
  • Proof of the following vaccination; waivers are not accepted
    • Positive Hepatitis B surface antibody titer* – blood test; vaccinations alone do NOT meet these criteria. 乙肝疫苗有两种:三剂或两剂 available upon request.
      NOTE: Early action on this item is required. Completion of the three-dose vaccines 所需的抗体测试可能需要6到8个月,两剂疫苗可以 take three to four months. It is recommended to have official proof of your entire HepB vaccination series prior to applying to this program. Proof of the entire vaccination 系列和后续的HepB表面抗体滴度将需要符合资格 a course seat. 如抗体滴度为非阳性,证明原液 疫苗系列,证明表面抗体滴度非阳性,且至少两种 new vaccines must be submitted. Additional documentation may also be required.
    • MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)* -所有三种成分的抗体滴度均为阳性 or two vaccines.
    • 水痘(水痘)* -抗体滴度阳性或两种疫苗.
    • Tdap (破伤风、白喉及百日咳)* -在过去十年内注射一剂并更新 every ten years.
    • COVID-19* – proof of being fully vaccinated; documentation must include the vaccine manufacturer. 例如:两剂辉瑞,两剂Moderna,或一剂J&J (Jansseno.sup).
    • 结核测试呈阴性* -结核血液测试呈阴性(QuantiFeron Gold or T-斑点)或两步结核皮肤试验阴性(包括完成两次单独的结核皮肤试验) one to three weeks apart); must have been completed within the last 12 months and updated annually.
    • *接种疫苗/体检证明必须是官方免疫接种的复印件 免疫/医疗检查文件正本卡/副本. Documentation must 包括:1)您的姓名,2)出生日期,3)注射机构或提供者, test, etc., 4) name of injection, test, etc., and results, if applicable, 5) date of injection, test, etc.6)医疗保健提供者的签名、公章或信笺.
  • Photo ID.
  • Social Security Number.
    • Alternative Options:
      • 有效的护照和美国签证,证明有权在美国工作; such as an H1B visa.
      • I-766或其他联邦政府授权个人工作的表格 in the US.
      • 如果申请人持F1签证上学,他们必须提供一份签证的复印件 由指定学校当局签署的有效I94及I20表格.
      • Tax identification number.
      • Other federally issued identification numbers.

Students accepted 修读本课程须完成以下要求:

  1. 强制性培训:参加强制性培训(地点/日期/时间待定)
  2. 犯罪背景调查:通过lbc批准的犯罪背景调查将 需要(估计费用的背景调查/药物筛选:$120.75)
  3. 药物测试:需要通过lbc批准的药物测试(见上文的联合药物测试) cost)

请注意:背景调查或药物筛选将不会进行,直到你 如“录用邮件”所示,你已获得录用,你将在哪里收到 指导客户建立和完成背景资料和药物筛选.

重要提示:如果在截止日期前未满足上述任何要求, 博天堂官方 reserves the right to exit students from the course.

课程安排和注册信息可在 Nursing Assistant Bulletin.

Financial Aid

This is a non-credit course. Financial aid is not available for non-credit courses. 您可能有资格获得劳动力创新和机会法案(WIOA)奖学金.

申请奖学金或助学金时,请记得提交申请 在公开招生期间申请,并在电子邮件中注明你的录取 依赖助学金或奖学金,以便我们在此过程中为您提供帮助.